This was a quaint little 50’s ranch house that needed some updating. The original floor plan wassomewhat generic and did not fully take advantage of the spectacular views specific to the site. All of the bedrooms were the same size and all of the bathrooms were comparable. There wasn’t a cleardifferention between any of them to suggest that any one bedroom was a Master Suite.
“The main thing we tried to achieve withthis remodel was to open up the front ofthe house to the new deck that wecreated on the ocean side, giving thehouse more of an indoor/outdoor livingexperience.”All of the bathrooms and the kitchenwere remodelled as well. It really wasn’tclear which bedroom was meant to bethe Master previously. That was allremedied with this remodel. “One of my design strengths is workingwith angled plan elements. I was able tore-work the bedroom in the corner whichhappened to have the best ocean view,but wasn’t taking any advantage of theview. We gave it a much larger, privatebathroom and wardrobe. and there’s nomistaking which bedroom is the Masternow!”